Monday, September 16, 2013

Multiplication Fact Video

An interesting video to help students learn those more tricky multiplication facts. It might take a little more practice, but some fun tricks!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Extra Extra!

Hi all!

A letter recently went out to all 2013-2014 families introducing myself and supplying you all with some contact information.

In addition, I forgot to include that Room 323 is always appreciative of any extra supplies that you may be willing and able to donate throughout the year! Especially as we are heading into that sniffley season...winter (scary!). Thank you for donating any of the following:
  • tissues
  • hand soap
  • anti-bacterial wipes
  • hand sanitizer

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer--Did you read?

I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer vacation! I know I myself spent many days relaxing by the pool with a good book, or in the kitchen trying a new recipe I found online. I also spent lots of quality time with my friends and family, catching up and creating new memories!

I also hope that you all spent some time completing your summer reading. It is so important to read throughout the summer to keep up all of the skills you practice throughout the school year. I look forward to hearing about your favorite book or reading memory from the summer!

As school is quickly approaching, teachers have been in and out of their classrooms setting up and gathering supplies. I will be posting a list of supplies that Room 323 could benefit from soon after school begins. As always, thank you for anything you are able to contribute!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Multiplication: 10s 11s 12s

This is a great video to help you review your 10, 11 and 12 times tables. It gives you some tricks along the way to help you learn these facts, like relating it back to repeated addition. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"What I Am"

A wonderful video about how unique and special each one of us is!


Welcome back to school!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer, spending time outside and reading good books....I certainly did!

Now, it's time to get back into the swing of things as we start 4th grade.  We will work to make this a successful year. One of the ways we'll do that is by using this blog. You will get the chance to respond to prompts or write on your own topics throughout the year.

I look forward to blogging with you!

Miss Leifer